Why you shouldn’t flex*
on personalised omnichannel?
Robert Gefert, Digital Operations Specialist
Watch the webinar and:
- Change Your point of view on CX
- Understand deeply Gen Z as customers, their motivation, cultural change and even some of their slang
- Find a new communication code or even build a new playbook
Hosted by Robert Gefert
Digital Operations Specialist
at SALESmanago
Why you should consider this opportunity:
Digital Marketers are being bombarded with the latest trends, overwhelmed with the need to collect and act on precise data. Omnichannel Personalisation is knocking on your door at each step. At the same Gen Z is taking over. Is it really as simple as everyone says? Do we truly understand Gen Z and their needs through data alone? In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, are we missing something crucial? Or maybe in the fast-paced world of ecommerce, something important is missing? We will take a close look at this amazing generation and market trends. Looking for the true source of personalisation, mapping CX threats to find the missing part.
*Flex- to showcase or boast about one's achievements, possessions, or skills to demonstrate confidence or superiority. (Wikipedia)